Sample Streaming in Sonar

ARIA always streams unless the samples are very small. User can raise the pre-caching time in the settings tab, before loading ANY sound.

ARIA needs to know when its doing a bounce in order to read the samples differently than in "real time".

If it doesnt get that info, then it will skip audio, as any library that has a fine tuned system of streaming its own audio.

To be 100% sure that there is no audio dropout from ARIA is to use fast bounce or export audio. Then ARIA reads all the data thats needed from disk and doesn't "let go" the cpu until it's read! It forces Sonar to wait until it has all that's needed to work correctly.

Note: How to make sure aria knows its doing a bounce? Just have the "settings" tab (in ARIA Player) or "about" ( in Steinway) shown and look to see if the Disk meter is moving. If it's moving, it means aria is not aware of a bounce.

Tags: aria, fast, sonar, stream