ARIA + Hermode Tuning?

The problem around implementing that (on top of the heavy refactoring implications), is the fact that ARIA can only control the voices inside its own instances (or across instruments loaded inside one of them).

So you have two problematic scenarios:

Multiple instances of ARIA running in multithread-aware DAWs are rendered asynchronously. (so even if we did inter-instance messaging, the application of dynamic retuning across instances would not be deterministically heard at the same time.)

Of course any other VSTi would not be dynamically tuned like we are. So you would get a huge mess if you tried to mix and match other vendors instrument in a piece.

So the only feasible solution would be to have it optional inside one instance, but currently its a lot of work. .. There may be solutions to 1) that we didn't really think through, but from experience dealing with all the hosts, it is not something we would tackle in 5 minutes.

Tags: aria, Hermode, scala, tuning